Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Goal Without a Plan is Only a Wish

Today is day one!!! But first I think I need to backtrack and go back to the previous two days.  Especially yesterday, since so much happened and I learned so much information!!  

First of all, I realized that I am using Medifast as the product but really my journey is being fueled through a program called Take Shape For Life, TSFL for short.  Medifast provides the product while TSFL provides the support needed to succeeded.  So, from now on I will make sure to refer to my program as TSFL.  As I told you, I have a health coach, Cathy, who is through the TSFL program.  She is going to my rock, especially through the first few weeks which I have been told are the hardest.  EEK!! Cathy and I had our first meeting on Friday, where I had my last beloved white mocha.  ;)  

During this meeting Cathy asked me what my goals for doing this program are.  What do I want out of this?  Of course there's the obvious, I want to look better, feel better in my own skin, be confident in a bikini(that season is coming up fast).  Be able to look at myself naked and think "Damn!! I look good!!!" But then I really started thinking, and I want to not wake up with my joints screaming at me in agony, I want to not have to go to the chiropractor and massage therapist once/twice a week.  I want to have the energy to go run around with my step-kids and nieces and and nephews.  I want my skin to stop breaking out in acne, which I just realized only started to happen once I started to gain weight a couple years ago.  

With those being my goals I guess it is time to tell you, I am starting my TSFL journey weighing 183.6 pounds.  eek! Now, that is 3 pounds lighter than when I started my n.c. week.  But wow! A healthy BMI says that I need to weigh between 130-155 pounds.  Which puts me about 30 pounds over weight.  I'm thinking I want to loose roughly 40 pounds.  Easy! No problem!! :) I just need to stick to my plan completely.  And within 3-4 months I will be 40-ish pounds lighter, a heck of a lot healthier, through transition, and showing off my hot new (well, kinda) bod!!

Last night I spent a good part of the night preparing.  Both some L&G (Lean & Green) for my week at work (Big fan of grab and go), and I separated the majority of my MM (Medifast Meals) into daily baggies.  No room to think means to chance to slip up.  :)  Included in my baggies is a little saying to keep inspiring me! :) 

So I guess that puts me back to today!! Day one! I can't believe it is already here!! I woke up today and had my first MM within 30 minutes of waking up.  Exactly as I am supposed to do.  I made sure I packed all of my L&G along with my baggie of MM.  Got my shake all ready for the car ride (I have an 1 1/2+ commute), and I was ready.  

Day one is going great! :) I have my new kind of coffee, Americano w/SF caramel and little bit of half and half, I've already had 58oz of water and still going strong!  :)  I hope you all had a great day, and maybe a little inspiration was sent your way too!! :) 

Ps. If anyone is interested in more information about TSFL, please let me know.  I know Cathy would love to come talk to you and answer any questions, comments or concerns you may have.  :)