Tomorrow is the day. The day I begin my journey to re-find myself. Not that I've lost myself, I've just put myself to the side for the past few years. I've been focusing on my job, my family, my appetite. Appetite for life, for love, for food, for WINE! In that pursuit, I've lost track of me. I turned 28 a couple months ago, and I'm ready to really focus on my health, on fitness and food. A different kind of food though, not the kind that makes my feelings happy, but the kind that makes my body healthy and happy.
I've found that the best way to focus on anything in life, is to be fully prepared. I'm very good at preparing, at least for the things I can control. So after work today I meal-prepped quite a bit. I got all of my lettuce chopped, kale cut, bell peppers and mushrooms chopped and stored safely! I will be cooking my chicken either that day or the night before to get meals ready for workdays. This way I can make sure to set aside time to check-in with myself and the TIU community.
As I've told you before, I'm following the TIU 8 week challenge and with that I'm finding a few hurdles I wasn't fully prepared for. For starters, I'm not big on spending anywhere over $30 for protein powder let alone $50 + shipping. I'm sure their Perfect Fit Protein Powder is awesome, but I just can't spend that much. So, I have the protein powder I really do love in my shakes, and I needed some for a baked item (donuts!). Oh man, bad bad bad! Like, bad bad bad! Now I'm on the hunt for a new protein powder, that I can get in the small town I live in and that isn't too expensive... :/ Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it.
I'm not letting that discourage me though, neither am I letting the fact that I haven't worked out since Thursday discourage me. I worked a super long day yesterday, 12 hrs starting at 4am, and was asleep on the couch by 6pm last night. And today, well, today I just didn't... :/ Not that I still couldn't, but I've had a horrible neckpain/headache all day and today is not yet tomorrow. ;) (hello, queen of excuses) So again, tomorrow is the day!
Another thing that bothered me, but I have already overcome, is that the meal-plan isn't quite as planned as I would hope. The grocery list isn't quite accurate, and neither are the planning days. Thankfully tho, I am quite the planner. I had already gone over Week 1 multiple times, therefore I think I bought all that I could from one grocery store and will be hitting up a specialty store in the morning.
Well, I think that's all for today. Sorry for not having any pictures, I was so in the zone while prepping and cleaning that I did not get any taken. Isn't it so nice to not be attached to our phones every once in a while?! :) Thanks for listening!
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