Friday, September 16, 2016

A New Way of Thinking

I don't know about you, but once I reached my late 20's (I can't believe I'm in my last full calendar year of my 20's) I started to see a lot of people my age getting sick.  I'm not talking about the common cold or the flu, more along the lines on cancer and bad food allergies.  Right now, I have 2 possibly 3 friends with cancer that I know of; and more people than I could possibly count have discovered that they allergic to real foods.  It has gotten me thinking, what are we doing wrong?  As a society we pride ourselves on being the best.  Everyone wants to be an American; This is "The Greatest Country in the World."  Why are we getting sick?

I am starting to believe that a major issue is what we are consuming; food and drink mainly.  We have become brainwashed and tricked into thinking that food is food. If it is sold in a grocery store, it is ok to eat and shouldn't make us sick.  Well, that's a bunch a bull, if you don't mind me saying so.
I dare you to go look in your cupboard, pick up any can or box of "food" and read the label.  Those words you and I cannot pronounce are not food.  They are chemicals, they are additives to make our "food" appealing to us.  To make it taste good and trick us into thinking its delicious. To make them easy to mass-produce, to make an easy dollar, or million. I have these same "foods" in my cupboard right now.  I'm trying to get away from them, but with 2 teenagers and my husband in my house, that gets a little difficult.

I would love to know the rates of cancer and food allergies in other 1st world countries.  Is it such an epidemic in Germany? Or France? What about Ireland? I know that they are not allowed to put a good majority of the chemicals in their foods as we do.  They do not process meat in a warehouse the way we do.  A lot of things have made me really take a step back, not always reach for the easiest item to indulge in, and really start taking the time and effort to put only real food items into my body.

Let me step off my soap box. :) With this new way of looking at our foods, and knowing that what I put into my body is what will either make me run at full capacity or just barely scrape by, I have really started to make myself prep my meals again.  I am re-learning what foods I really do enjoy, new foods to try, new spices and herbs.  I absolutely love to cook and bake.  It is one of my biggest passions in life besides being the best wife and mom I can be.  But, with that being said, some days I want nothing to do with being a kitchen, or doing dishes, blech!!!

I am learning to take an hour or 2 every couple of days and prep out breakfasts, snacks, and lunches for a couple days, it saves me a ton of time and irritation.  I am definitely one of those people who when I am hungry, I am starving and need to eat 10 minutes ago.  If it isn't easy or already made, I'm not going to make it.

I am also learning, that I do not like to eat the same meal more than 2 (maybe 3) days in a row.  I'm bored of it by then.  So, my plan on here is to share at least once, maybe twice a week what I'm cooking and eating.  My hope is that I might inspire just a few people, hopefully more, to take the time and learn to enjoy the time spent to take care of our bodies.  We only get one, and I personally would like to live as long as possible.  For goodness sake, my mom is saying she's going to live to 112, so I at least have to make it to 93.  ;)

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